Some older visualisations

Most of the recent visualisation work I have done with my collaborators can be found on the Cosmic Defects YouTube or Vimeo channels. I plan to write more about those soon. In the meantime, however, here are some older visualisations I made over the years.

You might also be interested in my Javascript 2D Ising model implementation.

I mostly use VisIt to create movies and 3D plots of my work.

Bubble collisions

This movie shows the fluid kinetic energy of a coupled field-fluid simulation of a first-order phase transition in the early universe. You can read the original paper on the arxiv or at the journal's website

Movie created using the Cosmos 2 Altix at COSMOS and VisIt.

Direct links to video: MP4, webm.

Q-ball decay in the Hartree approximation

This movie shows (in red and blue) the exploding cloud of charge from a decaying Q-ball in the Hartree approximation. You can read the original paper on the arxiv or at the journal's website

Movie created using VisIt.

Direct links to video: MP4, webm.

't Hooft-Polyakov monopole formation

Movie created using the Universe Altix at COSMOS using Vapor

Direct links to video: MP4, webkm.