davidjamesweir’s avatardavidjamesweir’s Twitter Archive—№ 5,057

    1. I’d like to say I’m on the shiny new EN496 night train from Hamburg to Stockholm but tonight it’s a bus to Malmö. 🤦 It’s hard to encourage people to avoid flying when things like this happen, even if it’s an honest mistake (the timetable was wrong).
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  1. …in reply to @davidjamesweir
    Anyway there’s iskelmä playing and the bus is comfortable, so it’s all good.
    1. …in reply to @davidjamesweir
      Well the bus dumped us at Malmö C just after 5 this morning. The representative in Hamburg had said we’d be on the 7.02 train to Stockholm; the conductor of that train was brusque and refused to let us on. Luckily the crew of the 8.02 train kindly let us sit in the bistro car. ❤️
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
      1. …in reply to @davidjamesweir
        Finally arrived in Stockholm about an hour ago, nearly 4 hours late. We were promised we would be looked after in Malmö; that didn’t happen. We have been promised compensation and a travel voucher… will we get that? 🤔
        oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
        1. …in reply to @davidjamesweir
          Siis tämähän ei mennyt lainkaan niin kuin Strömsössä. The one positive were the others stuck with me; a lovely bunch of fascinating people. 💖
          1. …in reply to @davidjamesweir
            Now SJ_AB disavow any knowledge of our promised compensation. Anyway, snalltaget needn't worry just yet; their state-run competition is incompetent and is making promises they can't (or won't) keep.