davidjamesweir’s avatardavidjamesweir’s Twitter Archive—№ 1,853

    1. Ana Achúcarro giving the HEP/GR colloquium at DAMTP. In the 80s, the CMP temperature map looked like this 😅
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  1. …in reply to @davidjamesweir
    On beginning her career in Cambridge in 1984: “I arrived in Cambridge and 10 minutes later it was like I had WOMAN on my head; they treated me differently in every way” “What kind of physics do you do? Woman physics?”
    1. …in reply to @davidjamesweir
      Also, if you're reading this and wondering who Ana is, thank jesswade for this Wikipedia page: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ana_Ach%C3%BAcarro ... and maybe join her in helping to make Wikipedia less awful.