David Weir [he/him/his] - davidjamesweir
University of Nottingham
This talk: saoghal.net/slides/pascos2019
PASCOS 2019, Manchester, 2 July 2019
Operational Requirement 7.2: Probe a broken power-law stochastic background from the early Universe as predicted, for example, by first order phase transitions ...
(example, $T_* = 94.7~\mathrm{GeV}$, $\alpha_{T_*} =
0.066$, $v_\mathrm{w} =0.95$, $\beta/H_* = 105.9$)
$\mathrm{SNR} = 95$ ☺️
[With Daniel Cutting, Mark Hindmarsh: arXiv:1906.00480]
Deflagration $v_\mathrm{w} < c_\mathrm{s}$
Detonation $v_\mathrm{w} > c_\mathrm{s}$
NB: Deflagration front ends at a shock ($\approx c_\mathrm{s}$)
[Movies: Cosmic Defects Channel]
Deflagration $v_\mathrm{w} < c_\mathrm{s}$
Detonation $v_\mathrm{w} > c_\mathrm{s}$
NB: Deflagration front ends at a shock ($\approx c_\mathrm{s}$)
[$\alpha_{T_*} = 0.5$, $v_\mathrm{w} = 0.44$ (deflag.)], velocity $\mathbf{v}$
At large $\alpha_{T_*}$ reheated droplets form in front of the walls
[$\alpha_{T_*} = 0.34$, $v_\mathrm{w} = 0.24$ (deflag.)], vorticity $\nabla \times \mathbf{v}$
Suppression relative to LISA CosWG ansatz