davidjamesweir’s avatardavidjamesweir’s Twitter Archive—№ 1,497

      1. .⁦LucileTurc⁩ talking about her experience as a ⁦MSCActions⁩ Fellow and transitioning to an independent research career ⁦KumpulaScience⁩ Junior Faculty Club.
        oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
    1. …in reply to @davidjamesweir
      Advice from LucileTurc on applying for fellowships: - work on something that excites you - have a long-term career plan - justify that you are going to the best place in the world to work with the most knowledgable people on the topic
  1. …in reply to @davidjamesweir
    Tip from LucileTurc: read successful applications! It’s not natural to use the sort of superlative language required.