What are the observable gravitational wave signatures of
cosmological processes?
What can we say about physics beyond the Standard
Model with gravitational waves?
Simulation pipeline from particle theory to GW observation
What's next: LISA
Three laser arms,
2.5 M km separation
ESA’s L3
mission, launch by 2034
Proposal submitted last year
Officially adopted on 20.6.2017
First order thermal phase transitions
Higgs 'turns on': bubbles nucleate and grow
Bubbles expand in plasma - reaction fronts form
Bubbles + fronts collide
Sound waves in plasma ➝ GWs
Endgame: turbulence?
Key science for LISA
Science Investigation 7.2: Measure, or set upper
limits on, the spectral shape of the cosmological stochastic
GW background.
Operational Requirement 7.2: Probe a broken
power-law stochastic background from the early Universe as
predicted, for example, by first order phase
transitions ...
Coupled field and fluid system
Ignatius, Kajantie, Kurki-Suonio and
Scalar $\phi$ (the Higgs) and ideal fluid $u^\mu$
Split stress-energy tensor $T^{\mu\nu}$ into field and fluid
$$\partial_\mu T^{\mu\nu} = \partial_\mu
(T^{\mu\nu}_\phi + T^{\mu\nu}_\text{fluid}) = 0$$
Parameter $\eta$ sets the scale of friction due to plasma
$$\partial_\mu T^{\mu\nu}_\phi = \tilde \eta
\frac{\phi^2}{T} u^\mu \partial_\mu \phi \partial^\nu \phi
Create reaction front in the plasma that
propagates outward with the bubble
Velocity profile development: detonation vs deflagration
Dynamic range issues
universe simulations usually handle one length scale