Millisecond pulsars (MSPs) are very accurate clocks
PTA projects time tens of MSPs every week or so
Irregularities in the period of one pulsar might be
due to a change in the proper distance to that pulsar
because of a passing GW (or a similar effect at Earth).
Measure correlations between multiple pulsars
Disentangle GWs at the pulsar end and at the
Earth end
Remove effects of 'physics' in the neutron
Study stochastic
background at very low frequencies
More about pulsar timing arrays
They also set the some of strongest constraints
on the equation of state of dense nuclear matter.
Because MSPs are more accurate than atomic clocks,
PTAs set the strongest constraints on solar
system ephemerides
Some of the biggest single users of radio telescope time
As the inflaton reheated the universe, it created a
lot of particles through violent processes.
The inflation oscillating about the bottom of its
potential would excite other particles to oscillate with
characteristic frequencies given by their masses.
These would be an efficient source of gravitational
waves, but at high frequencies given by the
mass of the field.
As we said, gravity is a gauge theory where the
symmetry is diffeomorphism invariance.
This means it is invariant under coordinate transformations
$$ x^{\mu} \to x'^{\mu} (x) $$
which are invertible, and differentiable.
Under a coordinate transformation the metric
transforms as
$$ g_{\mu\nu}(x) = g'_{\mu\nu}(x') = \frac{\partial
x^\rho}{\partial x'^\mu} \frac{\partial
x^\sigma}{\partial x'^\nu} g_{\rho\sigma}.$$
Specialising to linear perturbations
We now assume that we can write the metric as
$$ g_{\mu\nu} = \eta_{\mu\nu} + h_{\mu\nu} \qquad
\left| h_{\mu\nu} \right| \ll 1 $$
where $\eta_{\mu\nu}$ is the Minkowski metric
Even with this assumption, there is an invariance
under transformations of the form
$$ x^\mu \to x'^\mu = x^\mu + \xi^\mu(x) $$
provided that $|\partial_\mu \xi_\nu | \leq
Wave equation
By substituting
$$ g_{\mu\nu} = \eta_{\mu\nu} + h_{\mu\nu}$$
in the Einstein equations
$$ R_{\mu\nu} - \frac{1}{2} g_{\mu\nu} R = 8\pi G
T_{\mu\nu} $$
and retaining only terms at linear order we will
obtain a wave-like equation for $h_{\mu\nu}$.
The wave equation, simplified
We can write it in a fairly clear manner by adopting
the trace-reversed metric perturbation
$$ \bar{h}^{\mu\nu} = h^{\mu\nu} -
\frac{1}{2}\eta^{\mu\nu} h $$
It then takes the form
$$ \begin{multline}
\square \bar{h}_{\nu\sigma} + \eta_{\nu\sigma}
\partial^\rho \partial^\lambda
\bar{h}_{\rho\lambda} - \partial^\rho
\partial_\nu \bar{h}_{\rho \sigma} -
\partial^\rho \partial_\sigma \bar{h}_{\rho\nu} +
\mathcal{O}(h^2) \\ = - \frac{16 \pi G}{c^4}
T_{\nu\sigma} \end{multline} $$
Lorenz gauge
Now we impose Lorenz gauge
$$ \partial_\nu \bar{h}^{\mu\nu} = 0 $$
This is equivalent to Lorenz gauge in
$$ \partial_\mu A^\mu = 0 $$
The effect is to cancel every term except
$$ \square \bar{h}_{\nu\sigma} = - 16 \pi
G T_{\nu\sigma} $$
which indeed looks like a wave equation!
There are still 6 components in
$\bar{h}_{\mu\nu}$, only 2 of which are
physical - the two polarisations
To find these, we consider coordinate transformations
that also satisfy Lorenz gauge, meaning
$$ x^\mu \to x'^\mu = x^\mu + \xi^\mu(x); \quad |\partial_\mu \xi_\nu | \leq
|h_{\mu\nu}| $$
and $\square \xi^\mu = 0 $.
$\square \xi^\mu = 0$ gives 4 new constraints. First we choose:
$$\bar{h} = 0$$
i.e. make $\bar{h}^{\mu\nu}$ traceless [one
(Note that with this constraint, the trace of
$h^{\mu\nu}$ also disappears, so we no longer need the
'trace reversed' tensor!)
More constraints
We choose our other 3 constraints to be:
$$ h^{i0} = 0 $$
meaning $ \partial_0 h^{00} = 0 $ too, and we can
choose $h^{00} = 0$.
Put another way, our 4 constraints are:
$$h^{00} = h^{0i} = 0$$
The remaining spatial entries of $h_{ij}$ must be
$$ \partial_{i} h^{ij} = 0 $$
and traceless
$$ h^{ii} = 0. $$
Travelling waves
A plane wave in the $z$-direction looks like
$$ h_{ij}^\text{TT} (t, z) = \left(
h_+ & h_\times & 0 \\
h_\times & h_+ & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 0 \\
\end{array} \right)\cos\, \omega \left(t - \frac{z}{c}
\right) $$
Note that the polarisation components are
perpendicular to the direction of travel.
For a more general travelling wave with wave vector
$\mathbf{k}$, transverse traceless simplifies to
$$ \hat{\mathbf{k}}^i h_{ij}^\text{TT} = 0 .$$
If we have a general metric perturbation, we can use a tensor version
of the usual 'transverse' projector:
$$ \Lambda_{ij,lm} \equiv P_{il}
P_{jm} - \frac{1}{2} P_{ij}
P_{lm} $$
Here we have
$$ P_{ij} = \delta_{ij} - \hat{\mathbf{k}}_i
\hat{\mathbf{k}}_j $$
In other words, it projects out the rotational part
of a vector field.
Projection of a general $h_{ij}$
If we have a general $h_{ij}$ which is in Lorenz
gauge but does not otherwise satisfy the transverse
traceless (TT) requirements, we can project out the TT
$$h_{ij}^\text{TT} = \Lambda_{ij,lm} h^{lm} $$
Why do we want to do this?
We may want to study the polarisation of
the gravitational waves (but for stochastic,
cosmological sources, these rarely matter)
More importantly, as $h_{ij}^\text{TT}$ contains
only the propagating degrees of freedom, measures of
energy and power must be done with it.
Effective stress-energy tensor
Step back and consider a more general background:
$$ g_{\mu\nu} = \bar{g}_{\mu\nu} + h_{\mu\nu},
\quad |h_{\mu\nu}| \ll 1 $$
What is the background and what is the perturbation?
$\bar{g}_{\mu\nu}$ has a scale
$h_{\mu\nu}$ have a
wavelength $\lambda \ll
Or, in frequency:
$\bar{g}_{\mu\nu}$ only has
frequencies up to $f_\mathrm{B}$
$h_{\mu\nu}$ has
frequencies $f \gg f_\mathrm{B}$.
The overall effect is that, even if
$\bar{g}_{\mu\nu}$ has come curvature, it looks
slowly varying to the gravitational waves.
The Isaacson argument
We can now split the Ricci tensor up as follows:
$$ R_{\mu\nu} = \bar{R}_{\mu\nu} +
R^{(1)}_{\mu\nu} + R^{(2)}_{\mu\nu} + \ldots $$
$\bar{R}_{\mu\nu}$ is the background Ricci
$ R^{(1)}_{\mu\nu}$ are high frequency modes at
linear order in $h$
$ R^{(2)}_{\mu\nu}$ is everything at quadratic
order in $h$
If we average over a volume bigger than $\lambda$
but smaller than $L_\mathrm{B}$ then we can use the
Einstein equations to introduce
$ t_{\mu\nu} = -\frac{1}{8\pi G} \left<
R_{\mu\nu}^{(2)} - \frac{1}{2}
\bar{g}_{\mu\nu} R^{(2)} \right>
$ \bar{R}_{\mu\nu} -
\frac{1}{2}\bar{g}_{\mu\nu} \bar{R} =
8\pi G \left( \bar{T}_{\mu\nu} + t_{\mu\nu} \right).$
The Isaacson expression
We end up with (in arbitrary gauge)
$$ \begin{multline}t_{\alpha\beta} = \frac{1}{32\pi G} \left<
\partial_\alpha \bar{h}_{\mu\nu} \partial_\beta\bar{h}^{\mu\nu}
- \frac{1}{2}
\bar{h} \partial_\beta \bar{h} \right. \\ \left.
\partial_\nu \bar{h}^{\mu\nu} \partial_\beta
\bar{h}_{\mu\alpha} - \partial_\nu\bar{h}^{\mu\nu}
\partial_\alpha \bar{h}_{\mu\beta}
\right> \end{multline}$$
which, for TT, reduces to
$$ t_{\alpha\beta} = \frac{1}{32 \pi G} \left< \partial_\alpha
h^{\text{TT}}_{\mu\nu} \partial_\beta h_{\text{TT}}^{\mu\nu} \right>
which is known as the Isaacson
Energy density in gravitational waves
Now that we have the effective stress-energy tensor,
the energy density in gravitational waves is
$$ \rho_\text{GW} \equiv t_{00} = \frac{1}{32 \pi G} \langle
\dot{h}_{ij}^\text{TT} \dot{h}_{ij}^\text{TT} \rangle
By Fourier transforming this expression,
define the GW power per
logarithmic frequency interval
$$ \frac{\mathrm{d} \,
\rho_\text{GW}(\mathbf{k})}{\mathrm{d} \, \log k } =
\frac{1}{32\pi G} \frac{k^3}{2\pi^2} \left<
\dot{h}_{ij}^\text{TT} (-\mathbf{k}) \right> $$
These two quantities are what cosmologists most
widely quote in papers about gravitational waves,
particularly the results of numerical simulations.
Typical assumptions in these lectures
Minkowski or FRW spacetime: no, or isotropic expansion
Physics on timescales much shorter than
All gravitational waves sourced by sub-Horizon
Homogeneous, stochastic, isotropic source
True for most cosmological sources
May not be true for, e.g. cosmic string
Results in context
How does this work in
a cosmological simulation?
Evolve Lorenz-gauge wave equation in position space
$$ \nabla^2 h_{ij} (\mathbf{x},t) - \frac{\partial}{\partial t^2}
h_{ij}(\mathbf{x},t) = 8 \pi G T_{ij}^\text{source}(\mathbf{x},t)$$
during simulation, using relevant $T^\text{source}_{ij}$ of 'source
Projection to TT-gauge requires expensive Fourier
transform, so
only project when measurement desired:
$$ h^{\text{TT}}_{ij}(\mathbf{k},t_\text{meas}) = \Lambda_{ij,lm}(\hat{\mathbf{k}}) h^{lm}(\mathbf{k},t) $$
Measure energy density (or power) in gravitational waves
$$ \rho_\text{GW}(t_\text{meas}) = \frac{1}{32
\pi G} \left< \dot{h}_{ij}^\text{TT}
\dot{h}_{ij}^\text{TT} \right> $$
Redshift to present day.
Other techniques
Two other approaches are sometimes seen in
numerical cosmology:
Quadrupole approximation - as we will
see, this is a poor approximation for bubble
collisions we will be studying, but it still
provides insight
"Weinberg formula" - this gives a clean
time-domain formula where the stress-energy tensor
takes simple forms
We will look at these, and the properties of general
sources, next.
Compact, distant sources
This is also relevant, e.g. for
colliding pairs of bubbles.
Start from the Lorentz-gauge wave equation
$$ \square \bar{h}_{\mu\nu} = - 16 \pi
G T_{\mu\nu}. $$
Solve in position space with retarded Green's functions
$$ \bar{h}_{\mu\nu}(x) = - 16 \pi G
\int \mathrm{d}^4 x' \, G(x-x')
T_{\mu\nu}(x'). $$
If we now specialise to TT gauge and write in terms
of the retarded time $t - |\mathbf{x} -
$$ \begin{multline} h_{ij}^\text{TT} (t, \mathbf{x}) = \Lambda_{ij,lm}
(\hat{\mathbf{n}})\, 4 G \int d^3 x'
\frac{1}{|\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{x}'|} \\ \times T_{lm} \left( t-
|\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{x}|; \mathbf{x}'\right)
Far field approximation
And if we are also far from the source (where $T_{lm}(t,
\mathbf{x}) \neq 0$),
$$ |\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{x}'| \approx r - \mathbf{x}'
\cdot \hat{\mathbf{n}} $$
$$ \begin{multline}
h_{ij}^\text{TT} (t, \mathbf{x}) \approx
\frac{1}{r} \, 4G \, \Lambda_{ij,lm}
(\hat{\mathbf{n}}) \int_{\text{source}} d^3 x'
\frac{1}{|\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{x}'|} \\
\times T_{lm} \left( t-
r + \mathbf{x}'\cdot
\hat{\mathbf{n}}; \mathbf{x}'\right)
We will assume(!) that velocities inside the source
are non-relativistic
In other words gravitational waves have
lower frequencies $\omega$ than the source
$$ \omega \mathbf{x}' \cdot \hat{\mathbf{n}} \ll 1 $$
Multipole expansion
We can write the source using a Fourier transform
$$ \begin{multline}
T_{lm} \left(t - r +
\mathbf{x}'\cdot \hat{\mathbf{n}};
\mathbf{x}'\right) \\ = \int \frac{\mathrm{d}^4
k}{(2\pi)^4} T_{lm}(\omega, \mathbf{k}) e^{-i \omega
\left( t- r + \mathbf{x}' \cdot
\hat{\mathbf{n}} \right) + i \mathbf{k} \cdot
\mathbf{x}' } \end{multline} $$
and the leading order term expanding in $\omega
\mathbf{x}' \cdot \hat{\mathbf{n}}$ is
$$ T_{lm} \left(t - r +
\mathbf{x}'\cdot \hat{\mathbf{n}};
\mathbf{x}'\right) \approx \int \frac{\mathrm{d}^4 k}{(2\pi)^4}
T_{lm}(\omega,\mathbf{k}) $$
This is the quadrupole term.
Quadrupole source
To leading order, then, the metric perturbation is
$$ h_{ij}^\text{TT}(t,\mathbf{x}) \approx \frac{1}{r}
\, 4G \,
\Lambda_{ij,lm}(\hat{\mathbf{n}}) \int d^3 x \, T^{lm}
\left(t - r, \mathbf{x} \right) + \ldots $$
This is zero for a spherically symmetric source (or
linear superposition of spherically symmetric sources)
Vacuum fluctuations at the end of inflation
Freshly nucleated bubbles in the early universe
Isolated massive objects
Need some non-spherical dynamics:
Particle resonances
Bubbles colliding
Binary compact massive objects
Why we must go beyond the quadrupole
In the early universe, velocities
within the source are not small, and the gravitational
waves are typically the same scale as the bubbles.
Weinberg formula
So far, we have seen two methods of computing
Numerically solving the equation of motion
$$ \nabla^2 h_{ij} - \frac{\partial}{\partial t^2}
h_{ij}= 8\pi G T_{ij} $$
e.g. during a simulation
Using the quadrupole approximation if the
wavelength of the gravitational waves is long
compared to the size of the source(s)
However, sometimes can simplify the source so that
it is simple in Fourier space, and we do not need to do
the quadrupole approximation
Then we can use the Weinberg formula
Using the Weinberg formula
For radiation in a direction
$\hat{\mathbf{k}}$ and frequency $\omega$, the power
spectrum per logarithmic frequency interval, per unit
solid angle,
\frac{\mathrm{d}\rho_\text{GW}}{\mathrm{d} \log \omega
\, \mathrm{d} \Omega} = 2 G \omega^3
\Lambda_{ij,lm}(\hat{\mathbf{k}}) T_{ij}^*
(\hat{\mathbf{k}},\omega) T_{lm}
(\hat{\mathbf{k}},\omega) $$
One application of this is the 'envelope
approximation', which we shall revisit later.
Useful insight 1
Source: Dufaux, Felder, Kofman, Navros
Begin with the momentum-space Green's function
expression (assume source off at $t' < 0$)
$$ h_{ij}^\text{TT}(\mathbf{k},t) = 16\pi G \,
\Lambda_{ij,lm} \int_0^t \, \mathrm{d} t'
\frac{\sin[k(t-t')]}{k} T_{lm}(\mathbf{k},t') $$
If the source is slowly varying in space at low $\mathbf{k}$:
$$T_{lm}(\mathbf{k}) \to \text{const.}; \qquad k \ll
k_\text{max} $$
(equivalent to the quadrupole approximation) we get
$$ h_{ij}^\text{TT}(\mathbf{k},t) \approx 16\pi G \,
\Lambda_{ij,lm} \int_0^t \, \mathrm{d} t'
\frac{\sin[k(t-t')]}{k} T_{lm}(0,t') $$
Useful insight 1
If the source $T_{lm}(0,t)$ varies faster than the
$\sin[k(t-t')]$, the equation reduces to
$$ h_{ij}^\text{TT}(\mathbf{k},t) \approx 16\pi G \,
\Lambda_{ij,lm} \int_0^t \, \mathrm{d} t' T_{lm}(0,t')
This gives
$$ \frac{\mathrm{d} \rho_\text{GW}(k)}{\mathrm{d} \,
\log \, k} \propto k^3 $$
In other words, at sufficiently long sub-horizon
scales, the quadrupole approximation always works and
all the matters is how long the source is on
The power law is $k^3$.
This holds for e.g. first order phase transitions
and the end of inflation.
Useful insight 2
If the source has an intermediate regime
where $T_{lm}(0,t)$ varies slower than
$\sin[k(t-t')]$, then the source stays in the integral,
and there is an additional $1/k$ factor
Therefore, in some cases we can expect a
$k^1$ power law at higher wavenumbers than the $k^3$ is
This is less generally true than the previous $k^3$
regime, so it might not be observed at all.
In general, though, where a power law is seen in
simulation results, it is worth seeing if the underlying
physics is amenable to simpliciation!
We will encounter more power laws later in these lectures...
Useful insight: graphical summary
With pulsar timing arrays, space- and earth-based
detectors, we now (or very soon) will view the
gravitational wave sky from nanohertz through to
The basic equations of gravitational radiation share a
lot of features with electromagnetism (or other
gauge theories)
There are some useful regimes that one can explore
with only very limited knowledge of the form of a source
of gravitational waves.