Higgs physics and cosmology: Gravitational waves
from the EWPT
David J. Weir
University of Helsinki
cHarged 2018±
What happened when the universe
was optically opaque?
What's next: LISA mission
Three laser arms,
2.5 M km separation
mission, launch by 2034
Proposal submitted last year
Officially adopted on 20.6.2017
LISA Pathfinder
Exceeded design
expectations by factor of five!
Possible signals
Key science for LISA
Science Investigation 7.2: Measure, or set upper
limits on, the spectral shape of the cosmological stochastic
GW background.
Operational Requirement 7.2: Probe a broken
power-law stochastic background from the early Universe as
predicted, for example, by first order phase
transitions ...
Electroweak phase transition
Key parameters for GW production
4 numbers parametrise the transition:
$T_*$, temperature ($\approx T_\mathrm{n} \lesssim T_\mathrm{c}$)
$\alpha_{T_*}$, vacuum energy fraction
$v_\mathrm{w}$, bubble wall speed
$\beta$, inverse phase transition duration
$H_*$, Hubble rate at transition
How the bubble wall moves
$$ \overbrace{\partial_\mu T^{\mu\nu}}^\text{Force on $\phi$} -
\overbrace{\int \frac{d^3 k}{(2\pi)^3}
f(\mathbf{k}) F^\nu }^\text{Force on particles}= 0 $$
Phys. Rev. D 46, 2668
This equation is the realisation of this idea:
Yet another interpretation:
$$ \overbrace{\partial_\mu T^{\mu\nu}}^\text{Field part} -
\overbrace{\int \frac{d^3 k}{(2\pi)^3}
f(\mathbf{k}) F^\nu }^\text{Fluid part}= 0 $$
$$ \partial_\mu T^{\mu\nu}_\phi + \partial_\mu
T^{\mu\nu}_\text{fluid} = 0 $$
Can simulate as effective model of field $\phi$ + fluid $u^\mu$.
Detonations vs deflagrations
If $\phi$ wall moves supersonically and the
fluid $u^\mu$ enters the wall at rest, we have
a detonation
☛ Good for GWs, bad for BG
If $\phi$ wall moves subsonically and the
fluid $u^\mu$ enters the wall at its maximum velocity, it's
a deflagration
☛ Bad for GWs, good for BG
Velocity profile development: detonation vs deflagration
Putting it all together - $h^2
For any given theory, can get $T_*$, $\alpha_{T_*}$,
$\beta/H_*$, $v_\mathrm{w}$ arXiv:1004.4187
It's then easy to predict the
(example, $T_* = 94.7~\mathrm{GeV}$, $\alpha_{T_*} =
0.066$, $v_\mathrm{w} =0.95$, $\beta/H_* = 105.9$)
$\mathrm{SNR} = 95$ ☺️
Results for a variety of models, at "benchmark points"
Key result: parametric plots with contours at $\mathrm{SNR}_\text{thr}$
Model ⟶ ($T_*$, $\alpha_{T_*}$,
$v_\mathrm{w}$, $\beta$) ⟶ SNR
Current EWPT work in LISA CosWG
In preparation: update to first report on PTs (arXiv:1512.06239 )
"Final" sensitivity curve
Updated model 'showcase'
New theoretical work (including no runaways)
PTPlot web tool for computing SNR
Modular, containerised
Code will be open, can be run locally
Coming soon 😅
Recent results 1: parameter space
"Non-perturbative" results for triplet
model arXiv:1802.10500
Dimensional reduction, mapping to existing theory
Light green region - first order phase transition
Dark green + gray regions - new simulations required
Recent results 2: spectral shape
Each simulation: ~1M CPU
hours arXiv:1704.05871
Validate spectral shape used
in WG reports
A pipeline
Choose your model
(e.g. SM, xSM, 2HDM, ...)
Dim. red. model
Kajantie et al.
Phase diagram ($\alpha_{T_*}$, $T_*$);
lattice: Kajantie et
Nucleation rate ($\beta$);
lattice: Moore and
Wall velocities ($v_\text{wall}$)
Moore and
Prokopec; Kozaczuk
GW power spectrum $\Omega_\mathrm{gw}$
Sphaleron rate
Very leaky, even for SM!
What I am thinking about
MHD or no MHD?
Timescales $H_* R_*/\overline{U}_\mathrm{f} \sim
1$, sound waves and turbulence?
More simulations needed?
Complementarity of GW signal and BG
Competing wall velocity dependence of BG and
Sphaleron rates in extended models?
The best possible determinations for xSM, 2HDM,
$\Sigma$SM, ...
What is the phase diagram?
Nonperturbative nucleation rates?
Final conclusion
Now have good understanding of thermal history of first-order
electroweak phase transitions
Can make good estimates of the
GW power spectrum
Turbulence still a challenge
Recently appreciated contributions, like
acoustic waves, enhance the source
LISA provides a model-independent probe of
first-order phase transitions around $100~\mathrm{GeV}$