First-order phase transitions
David J. Weir
University of Helsinki
On behalf of the LISA Cosmology Working Group
LISA Symposium, 12 July 2018
Electroweak phase transition
- Process by which the Higgs 'switched on'
- In the Standard Model it is gentle
- Possible (and theoretically
attractive) in extensions that it would experience a
first order phase transition
Source: Morrissey and Ramsey-Musolf
Why study first-order [electroweak] phase transitions?
- Connects the
biggest mysteries in modern physics:
- Baryogenesis and baryon asymmetry
- Origin of mass - Higgs mechanism
- Dark matter? Inflation? Neutrino masses?
- Difficult to probe the
conditions of the EWPT at colliders
- Use
gravitational waves to see what
- Then: bubble radius (length scale) close to
Now: characteristic frequency mHz
What [still] has a first-order PT?
- Higgs singlet model - add extra real singlet field
difficult to rule out with
colliders [arXiv:1704.05844]
- Two Higgs doublet model - add second complex doublet:
many parameters, quite constrained [arXiv:1405.5537]
- Triplet models - add adjoint scalar field (triplet):
few parameters, not widely studied [arXiv:1802.10500]
- And many, many more...
All have unexcluded regions of parameter space
for which the phase transition is first order.
CosWG report [arXiv:1512.06239]
- Results for a variety of models, at "benchmark points"
- Key result: parametric plots with contours at $\mathrm{SNR}_\text{thr}$
Current PT work in LISA CosWG
- In preparation: update to first report on PTs
- Updated sensitivity curve
- Updated model 'showcase'
- New theoretical work (including no runaways)
- PTPlot web tool for computing SNR
- Modular, containerised
- Code will be open, can be run locally
- Coming soon: early autumn 😅
New "PTPlot" tool
Complementarity and multiband
- Breakthrough possibility:
See new physics first, if no deviations seen at LHC
- The three cases (singlet, doublet, triplet) from
earlier all have regions that produce first-order
phase transitions, that will not be ruled out
by HL-LHC.
- Phase transitions produce
substantial backgrounds across wide range of
- Use full network of SKA, LISA, ET and
aLIGO-aVIRGO-KAGRA to constrain parameter space
- Reconstruct parameters: guide collider
[see Germano Nardini's poster] + arXiv:1806.06463
Recent results 1: parameter space
- "Non-perturbative" results for triplet model [arXiv:1802.10500]
- Dimensional reduction, mapping to existing theory
- Light green region - first order phase transition
- Dark green + gray regions - new simulations required
Recent results 2: spectral shape
- Each simulation: ~1M CPU hours [arXiv:1704.05871]
- Validate spectral shape used
in WG reports
[Late-time behaviour? See next talk]
- The electroweak phase transition is 'wide open':
- Colliders cannot (currently) rule out some
- Baryogenesis, dark matter, ...
- LISA will be able to detect (or rule out) various
- Understanding of first-order
phase transitions improving
- Models and parameter spaces
- Microscopic dynamics of the transition
- Gravitational wave power spectrum
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More info: arXiv:1705.01783